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Sunday, May 29, 2016

If I were running for office: Introduction to the US Constitution Legislative Branch

If I were running for office: Introduction to the US Constitution Legislative Branch

Republicans are off track and Democrats are heading the wrong direction.

What was the purpose of the founding document (The Constitution)? Prevention of Tyranny to preserve Liberty.

The Constitution (transcript here) of the United States of America was designed to prevent the abuse of power seen in every other form of government in the history of man. The reason for the checks and balances put into the Constitution (history here) was to purposefully limit the power of the Federal Government, which was always intended to be small.

What was the purpose of the three separate branches? Prevention of Tyranny to preserve Liberty.

Legislative Branch

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives are comprised of many local level elected officials. There are more Representatives than there are Senators. They have the sole power of Impeachment. Bills should originate in the House, but may be ratified or augmented by the Senate.

The Senate is comprised of just two Senators from each state (regardless of how many people are in that state. This creates a balance of power withing the congress. The Vice President is the president of the Senate. The chain of command if the both President and Vice President are incapacitated goes to various parties within the Senate. The Senate tries the Impeachment process.

Section 8 of the US Constitution outlines the powers assigned. The Congress (House and Senate combined) shall have Power To:
  • Create Taxes and Collect Them.
  • Borrow (debt) on behalf of the USA.
  • Initiate Regulations that affect commerce (buying/selling).
  • Establish rules about becoming a citizen
  • Establish Bankruptcy laws.
  • Create currency/money, and regulate it's use, and punish counterfeiters.
  • Fix the standard of weights and measures (fairness for consumers).
  • Establish Post Offices and Post Roads.
  • Promote Science and Art (by securing intellectual property rights, not by taxes or money or "incentives" or "grants").
  • Hold court on certain issues inferior to the Supreme Court.
  • Define and punish piracies and felonies.
  • Declare war.
  • Make Rules about land and water.
  • Raise and support the military (with two year limits on military spending budgets).
  • Use local militias to execute laws of the nation, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions. 
  • Control the land used by the Capitol of the USA (not to exceed ten miles square.
  • To make all laws (only those necessary and proper for carrying out the duties outlined above). 

The two houses, power divided, had to work together to do any of these things. There power was essentially limited to taxes, currency, military, roads, land use, and establishing fairness in commerce (buying/selling).

These powers are broad, and so they were given to a large body of two houses to spread that power across many people. The intention was to keep this huge power from the hands of any one person or elite group.

"Getting things done" was not the intention of Washington D.C. The intention was to ensure that any policy that was divisive or contentious would be thoroughly argued about, pushed back on, and never implemented until a majority had agreed.

(If it were up to me, I'd implement a rule that 80% of each houses had to agree to pass any law. That way only policies with broad support would be passed.)

Notice the items that are missing. Many items that we debate nationally are not in the scope of the Federal Government, and should be left to the states and people to work out. The Bill of Rights covers some additional things, but we'll get to those in another post.

Some recent examples:
  • Schools (all forms of education) 
  • Marriage (all forms)
  • Wages (what an employer agrees to pay, and a worker agrees to work for)
  • Health Care
  • Bathrooms
  • The Environmental
  • All Government Agencies
    •  The House can create rules.
    • Congress has the right to hold a hearing about any entity that violates the rules. They do not have the  right to create bureaucratic agencies with no over sight or controls.
    • If congress wants to enforce the rules, they should hold a hearing, or leave it to each state to enforce. 
    • They are rule makers, not rule enforcers.

Articles I intend to write (or have written):

  • If I were running for office: Liberty, Free Will, Choice, and the NAP
  • If I were running for office: Immigration - A Secure Nation Of Immigrants
  • If I were running for office: Education - Learning to Learn vs Learning to Test
  • If I were running for office: Economy - Unions, Corporations, and Free Markets
  • If I were running for office: Religion - Religious Freedom vs State Religion
  • If I were running for office: Rightful Place - Governments, Free Markets and Non Profits
  • If I were running for office: Abortion and NAP
  • If I were running for office: TBD
  • If I were running for office: TBD
  • If I were running for office: TBD
  • If I were running for office: TBD

Darrell Wolfe

Story Teller | INFJ | Intellection | Learner | Ideation | Achiever | Input | Multipotentialite
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Friday, May 6, 2016

Why I will vote #Libertarian in 2016 for President of the USA... #NeverTrump | #NeverHillary | #GOPNeverAgain

This is why I will vote #Libertarian in 2016 for President of the USA... #NeverTrump | #NeverHillary | #GOPNeverAgain

I'll make this brief I hope:
The conservative talk show folks like: @chriskrokshow, @TheWellsReport, @ChrisSalcedoTX , @stinchfield1776, @marklevinshow, and @MedvedSHOW are all blindly leading in the wrong direction. 
They hate Hillary so much, they cannot see Trump for what HE really is... WORSE. I hope I'm wrong... but I'm usually not. 
Among conservative voices, only @glennbeck & @MattWalshBlog seems to understand like I do, the trouble Trump really is.

Don't vote for the Elephant or the Donkey... Go Porcupine! 

This month, May 2016, I left the GOP.

I want to be very clear. 
I left the GOP and its 20+ years of failed leadership, I did not leave because of Donald Trump.
I would be making this same decision if they had nominated Rubio, Kasich, Bush, or pretty much anyone other than Ted Cruz. I would have said Dr. Carson, but he's lost my trust too.

The leadership of the GOP vilified Ted Cruz who, despite any of his personality faults, is a principled constitutionalist. 

It was continued failure (over the last years, since Reagan really) to embrace the Constitution, their fight against Tea Party candidates, and finally in this election cycle the vitriol from the leadership for Liberty Lovers.

The GOP has made it clear, that they are basically another wing of the Progressives, and I am leaving them. 

Republicans and Democrats are the same party to me.

At this point... I'm not just leaving for 2016, forever. I'm no longer interested in "reforming the GOP", it's time to cut out the cancer. It's time to knock down the house and either move or build a new house in it's place. This house is no longer salvageable.

IF, and only if, a solid Libertarian candidate is not on the ticket in 2016 for a particular seat, I will consider a GOP candidate, if they prove to be small government in word AND action.

The Libertarians, for all of their personality faults, are staunch defenders of my freedom and yours.
Unless a better party arises in the future, I will cast my lot with the Libertarians for the near term.

Isn't Trump preferable to Hillary?

  • No.
  • In fact, HECK no.
  • Question: Am I willing to go against Trump, if it means letting Hillary win?
  • Answer: Yes.. I'll explain below.
The "conservative" talk shows hosts @570KLIF, @660KSKY, and @WBAP247NEWS, are just as blinded by their hate for Hillary as Trump supporters are of human decency... 

Trump is NOT preferable to Hillary. Here's why:

Hillary is a failure.
Hillary has proven it, over and over as Senator, Secretary of State, and in this election cycle again proves it... she is inept.

She's incapable of meeting half her agenda on any given day. She has proven over and over that she is a failure in every sense of the word. I have no doubts that she would "try" to keep Obama's legacy going... but she would fail... miserably.

Trump, on the other hand, is NOT a failure.
In my opinion, from what he has said (not just this year, but his entire record) publicly.. Trump is an uninformed, uneducated, scary man, but not a failure. 

He does, in fact, WIN. He makes things happen. He typically makes thing happen through bribes, deals, and shady activities. He would be the Al Capone of presidents.

I don't care one bit about what he "said" he would do during this cycle. He's a liar, and he's demonstrated that over and over.
Trump will, without any shadow of a doubt in my mind, increase the government, trample civil liberties, bully bad guys then turn around and bully you and me, increase taxes, and DESTROY (not just stifle, destroy) the US Economy.

There is no doubt in my mind, not even a little, that Trump would be 110% worse than Hillary any day of the week.

Predictions... for 2106 and beyond

Trump has broken every pundit prediction so far.

Given his track record, he will stampede Hillary into the ground like Obama did, because she's a failure.

Trump will win by a large margin, land side maybe. But he will do it without my help, and with me fighting him tooth and nail every step of the way.

But what if.... there was another choice?

What if Liberty Lovers everywhere unit behind NEITHER Trump or Hillary, and vote for the Libertarian nominee, which will either be Gary Johnson or Austin Petersen.

If big money, and big influence movers get behind the Libertarian, we could prevent Donald Clinton AND Hillary Trump from getting elected, and take over the country.

It's a long shot, but it's either that or stay home...

Going forward...

We (Liberty Lovers) must start taking the same long game approach that the Progressives used on us since the 1940's.

We must get aggressive and pick away, bit by bit, at the Progressive agenda. 

Take over mayor's offices, city counsels, governors houses, state legislatures, house, senate, and eventually the president's office and Supreme Court.

We must take over schools, media, movies, and start shaping the narrative of the next generation.

I'm in it to win it, long term.
If the "Libertarian" party doesn't work out, we can create a new one, and start from scratch... we probably will... Only time will tell.

Darrell Wolfe
Story Teller | INFJ | Intellection | Learner | Ideation | Achiever | Input | Multipotentialite
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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

If I were running for office: Introduction to liberty

If I were running for office: Introduction to liberty 

Republicans are off track and Democrats are heading the wrong direction.

I have a confession to make. I'm coming out of the closet... as a #Libertarian. Or something like that.

With the resignation of #TedCruz, #Elections2016, and the way the #GOP has treated liberty and conservative constitutional values, I am leaving the #Republican party forever. Not just for president, but the party as a whole. From President to Garbage man, I am done with the GOP. If a particular general election ballot only gives me two choices, I'd probably still vote GOP? But my plan is to vote a straight #Libertarian ticket in November 2016.

But what about 2017 and beyond? 

I believe the Grand Ol' Party (GOP)/Republicans, and the Democrats/Socialist have both left their moorings and dragged the United States of America into a swirling mess of chaos.

The long term problem with Libertarian viability, is that they (as a group) are a bit prickly. We need a warmer, friendly, more inviting party. Unfortunately for 2016, no such party exists. So I'm voting Libertarian this year (2016).

It's about time we knocked some sense into the political discourse. I'm ready for a brand new Political Party? What do you say? But on what basis is it founded, and what would be it's pillars.

First step, we need to understand what we have and why, before we can understand where we are going and why.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 New International Version

Why was the United States Created? Prevention of Tyranny to preserve Liberty.

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 04, 1776. It outlines a story of people suffering at the hands of an abusive government that takes advantage of people and robs them of their rights and private property. The opening is worth a re-read:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

What they reacted against...

To boil down the list that follows the above excerpt, the original founders of this Great Nation were rebelling against Big Government (BG) intruding into the lives of it's people, and attempting to control them by force and manipulation, wars, and taxes. Sound Familiar?

They tried to reason with the BG, bargain with BG, plead with BG, but BG got more bloated and more controlling. Rights were continually stripped away until people that were supposed to be citizens of the government were prisoners of it instead.

Liberty is...

noun  lib·er·ty \ˈli-bər-tē\ 
Simple Definition of liberty
: the state or condition of people who are able to act and speak freely
: the power to do or choose what you want to
: a political right
Source: Merriam-Webster's
This country was founded by people abused by a big government. They put protections in place to ensure that the government they created would stay small, local, by-for-of the people. In the 240 years since those protections were fought for, they have been eroded.

This is not to say that our past was perfect. In many ways 2016 is better for people than previous years, but that is only true in areas in which their personal liberty has been upheld and enhanced.

The Solution...

I'm not advocating a full scale take down of the United States of America. It has great framing, and good bones. But like a house that was vandalized, it needs to be stripped down to it's frame, re-secured, and re-built.

We need a new party, dedicated to liberty, that can do the job. Maybe a face lift on the Libertarian Party would be enough? Maybe we need something more? Not sure yet.

More to come on this topic in the future...

Darrell Wolfe
Story Teller | INFJ | Intellection | Learner | Ideation | Achiever | Input | Multipotentialite

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