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Friday, March 15, 2013

Big Government vs Small Government... Does the Bible Say?

God's System
So in the beginning  God founded a people and called them Israel. He set up a system of Rules for the people to operate under and gave that to Moses. The people were to operate with one primary ruler, selected by God not men, and a de-centralized governing system of 12 states and sub governments down to the cities. Rulers and Judges governed in certain areas and regions. Although rule was de-centralized the entire nation was governed by one founding document. The books of Moses were NOT religious documents there were governing documents that later became relegated to worthless religion as man added their own ideas to them.

Israel rejected God's system and wanted a King. God said that a King was not his choice, and if the people insisted on going this direction he would wage wars of his own, rather than God's wars, killing their kids for no good reason but his own profit, and he would tax the peoples money and property to a burdensome level. The people chose this anyway, so God allowed them to have what THEY wanted in Saul. God rejected Saul after a time and replaced him with David then Solomon. This was God's SECOND choice, not first, for governing. Various kings came and went, leading the people closer and further and closer and further from/to God and God's desires for the people. They never attained the true prosperity He planned for them, because they rejected His system.

Eventually God sent THE Judge and THE King and they rejected Him. As a result the nation was destroyed shortly after by 90AD. Contrary to some beliefs this was NOT the end of Israel. God's Word demands that he still has work planned for Israel and that Jerusalem will be the Capitol City of the World under THE King's return kingdom.

While Israel was scattered 1,000's of years went by. Then one day in the 1700's God sparked a revolution against Kingdoms and again established a nation of disjointed and yet common people. He again established a system of one Ruler over a De-Centralized body of smaller states who would all be united by and governed by ONE founding document.

Again the people rejected this system and chose time and time again to reject this system and founding document and over-ride it with larger government, more centralization and more powerful centralized leaders. WHY? The ONLY prosperity of either nation was when it served God. WHY have the only two nations on earth founded by God both rejected God's system. And WHY did both turn instead to the same opposite system? MORE government. MORE powerful leadership. MORE taxes/burden/wars. WHY?

Satan's System
From Babylon forward Satan has moved mankind instead of spreading out instead to move IN, together. Instead of each man being led by God, to turn to a powerful leader to tell them what to do, think, feel... WHY? Because it's easier to control masses of people as masses. Individuals are a threat to Satan and his controlling ways. It's all about control. He can't poison the minds of people effectively with separate pockets of people who are free to act and move within a small governing document of basic rules. 

Time and Time again, people have turned to LARGE governing systems, MORE taxes, MORE rules beyond the founding document, MORE man's interpretations, MORE powerful leaders to save us, tell us what do to... We saw it fail in Russia, China, Korea, Vietnam... That type of rule cannot thrive. They all had to abandon parts of that system to choose freedom to ease pressure. TO the extent each did leave that each prospers. 

Here we are again, with leaders in both parties taking away from SMALL de-centralized governments and people led of God to move as He leads, to all powerful governments that tell you what you can and can't have, think, do, say, etc... It's about control. 

The number one rule for a person who wants to vote GOD'S way, is to find leaders who will return us to SMALLER government, and PRIVATE LOCAL programs, and abolish ALL FEDERAL programs. To embrace big government is to reject God. 

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